November 17-19, 2020 – Investors: Texas Startups Roadshow [Virtual Edition]

Take a virtual tour across the 10th largest economy in the world and create valuable connections in Austin, Houston, Dallas & San Antonio. About this Event The journey will showcase dozens of the country’s top tech investors and innovators in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin and surrounding cities — culminating in the Big Idea Competition [...]

November 17, 2019– Speaker & Judge: Venture Summit’s Venture Panel: Empowering Female Founders

This year’s summit is going Online. We’re dedicated to helping cutting-edge innovators and leading investors connect. VSVC3 will be an engaging and immersive [live]interactive virtual summit providing startups the opportunity to gain the visibility they need and investors access to vetted deal flow. 100 private company presentations - Watch top founders from the hottest startups [...]

March 2, 2021 – Panelist: NVCA Spotlight on Austin

Virtual NVCA is launching a new series to highlight VC ecosystems in geographies across the country. The first session will highlight Austin, TX, featuring leading entrepreneurs and investors who are driving innovation and generating excitement in the city. The panel will include the following Austinites in addition to True Wealth Ventures’ Founding General Partner, Sara Brand: Joshua [...]

March 16, 2021 – Investor Panelist: Founded in Texas

During SXSW, Project W and The Artemis Fund have joined forces to bring you Founded in Texas, a 2-hour investor feedback session designed to support Texas-based female founders of B2B and B2B2C technology companies.

March 18-21, 2021 – Speaker: The Future of Food @ SXSW

The future of our local and global food systems was precarious before 2020 but now, more than ever, we need brave, just and ambitious collaborations to push innovative new ideas to feed 25% more people globally with diminishing resources.

May 20, 2021 – Speakers: Women & Wealth

Virtual Sara Brand and Kerry Rupp will be leading both an Entrepreneur Table Talk and an Investor Table Talk at this virtual event where female entrepreneurs and female investors connect, educate, learn and inspire. Sign up today.   Schedule of Events 1:00 Kickoff and Welcome 1:05 Keynote: The Landscape and The Importance with Arlan Hamilton 1:30 [...]

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