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Sara Brand and Kerry Rupp will be leading both an Entrepreneur Table Talk and an Investor Table Talk at this virtual event where female entrepreneurs and female investors connect, educate, learn and inspire. Sign up today.


Schedule of Events

1:00 Kickoff and Welcome

1:05 Keynote: The Landscape and The Importance with Arlan Hamilton

1:30 Let’s Talk Real Numbers & Investor Lingo with Laura Baldwin

2:00 The Art of Pitching with Elyse Dickerson

3:15 Pitch Analysis from the Investors’ Point of View

3:35 TableTalks: What Investors Look For When Investing

4:20 What it Takes to Get to Market

4:45 Building Boards & Getting the Most Value with Amanda Micallef

5:00 Intro to Networking

5:10 Networking/Table Talks


RSVP Online: https://www.techfortworth.org/women-and-wealth

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