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Abbie will be attending this year’s EnVest annual meeting in San Francisco. EnVest is a curated community of leading early-stage environmental investors, including funds, family offices, corporate investors, individuals, and venture philanthropists.

EnVest is a member-driven organization dedicated to accelerating investment into the Environmental Economy, where people live modern lives but the solutions and services they use respect the need for balance with our natural resources.  Our members are leading early-stage environmental investors, funds, family offices, and corporate investors.  By focusing on curation, capital, and community, we strive to reduce the friction required to deploy smart capital into the space, using our online platform and events to connect our members to each other, and to early-stage opportunities that will be the future leaders of the Environmental Economy.

Admission: This event is closed to members only, to apply for a membership visit https://envest.earth/

Location: Omni Hotel 500 California St, San Francisco, CA 94104 

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