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True Wealth Ventures Founding General Partner Dr. Sara Brand and General Partner Kerry Rupp speak at two San Antonio Startup Week events for women entrepreneurs and women investors; “Outperformance and Opportunities: Women Investors and Women Entrepreneurs” at 8:00 -9:30 am, and “Empowering Entrepreneuring Women” at 1:30-2:30 pm.

See full event details of the two events below:


“Outperformance and Opportunities: Women Investors and Women Entrepreneurs”

Hosted by the San Antonio Angel Network, Dr. Sara Brand and Kerry Rupp speak to the advantages of gender-lens investments, and the benefits of gender diversity. They examine the aspects of gender diversity from both sides of the equation; as women investors and women entrepreneurs.

Women Investors: While only 4% of venture capital partners are women, women VC’s are 2x as likely to invest in a company with women founders, and 3x more likely to invest in a woman CEO.  Women venture capitalists investing in women-led companies show better financial returns. Specifically, women-led companies have a 32% greater chance of annual exit when funded by a woman investor, according to a recent study in the Harvard Business Review.

Women Entrepreneurs: When women are on the management team of companies, whether they’re public companies or venture-backed startups, the companies perform significantly better financially.  In fact, a Kaufmann Foundation study showed that venture-backed companies with a woman CEO showed 35% higher ROI and 12% higher revenue growth, while using 1/3 of the capital.  Yet, despite this outperformance, fewer than 3% of companies funded by venture capitalists have a woman CEO. That’s a missed opportunity!

Event Location: Paramour 102 9th St. San Antonio, TX 78215

Empowering Entrepreneuring Women

A Kaufmann Foundation study showed that venture-backed companies with a woman CEO showed 35% higher ROI and 12% higher revenue growth, while using 1/3 of the capital. The prolific early stage VC firm First Round Capital found that their companies with a female founder performed 63% better than investments with all-male founding teams. Come join a discussion about ways emerging businesses can increase gender diversity to improve financial performance and increase innovation by empowering women entrepreneurs. This discussion will be led by True Wealth Ventures General Partners, Sara Brand, Ph.D., and Kerry Rupp.
Event location: RealCo Office in Geekdom 8th Floor, 110 E Houston St, San Antonio, TX 78215

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