reHarvest is on a mission to craft smoothies that do good. reHarvest redefines what convenience looks like with their innovative frozen smoothie shot pops and blendable smoothie cubes that are crafted to do good and taste super good too!
reHarvest works with farmers to reHARVEST their surplus and imperfect produce and rePURPOSE unnecessarily discarded produce from manufacturers to curate delicious functional blends. reHarvest dials into those moments when life gets in the way of eating right and is focused first on B2B outlets such as hotels and corporate offices where there are captive audiences that need healthier food solutions. reHarvest redefines what convenience looks like via innovative packaging solutions and raises the bar on what good food tastes like with their never-too-sweet functional blends that are designed with clean ingredients. reHarvests let you make a difference in your wellbeing and the world around you simply by enjoying smoothie shot pops or blendable smoothie cubes.
reHarvest is starting with smoothies, but the vision is so much bigger as they work to reTHINK the way we eat with reHarvest.
More about reHarvest:
“An Obsession with Perfection is Dooming Us All“ – TEDx NorthwesternU, 2019
“It was powerful to find investor partners that truly understood the reHarvest vision and mission. From day one, it was clear Sara and Kerry wanted to support our team in building something bigger than just a brand.” – Kathryn Bernell
Founder: Kathryn Bernell
Headquarters: Denver, CO
Meet Kathryn Bernell:

Kathryn Bernell, CEO & Founder of reHarvest
Background: Kathryn Bernell began her career by rocking the neighborhood lemonade stand and built her career around an early passion for food. She worked as a line chef at one of Houston’s five star restaurants, pursued R&D roles with companies like Pei Wei and Panera, held marketing positions with McDonald’s and popchips, learned the world of sales across grocery, club, and eccommerce channels with Safeway and Clif Bar, and navigated food innovation with Starbucks. It was while Kathryn was pursuing her Masters in Engineering and Business at Northwestern, that she took a step back and realized she could bring two of her passions to the table to create something with real impact: healthy eating and sustainable food.
Kathryn launched reHarvest in response to the growing food waste epidemic and built her products as a way to also target the growing friction busy professionals have between eating right and maintaining their ‘on-the-go’ lifestyle. Kathryn is passionate to emulate the learnings she had from her time at Clif Bar on building a mission-forward company that stands for something bigger than a product on a shelf. She is deeply committed to knowing her customers and creating products that solve real customer problems.
Why start reHarvest? “reHarvest came from my desire to build a product that I personally wanted and knew needed to exist. I was tired of my kitchen turning into a warzone every time I made a smoothie, and I was sick of having to compromise on the types of foods I was eating to keep up with my busy lifestyle. On top of that, I was passionate about finding ways to tackle the food waste epidemic and knew that others were too. For many, it’s hard to know where and how to begin. reHarvest exists to not only make customers feel good about the ingredients they are fueling their bodies with, but to also give them an easy way to radically tackle food waste, simply by enjoying a frozen smoothie!”
Why seek venture capital? “After getting the product in market, we soon realized that we had created something that was truly solving customer pain points. Early flash sales were selling out and we found ourselves struggling to keep up with product for our initial points of sale. We were finding more commitments from retail partners than we could realistically fill with the resources in place. We knew we needed the right resources to scale and grown the business, and began to investigate ways to capitalize the company’s growth. Venture funding, quite honestly, had not been on our immediate radar, but after meeting with Sara and Kerry, it became clear that True Wealth Ventures broke away from the pack and was ready to not only extend the financial capital we needed, but to also extend advisory support to navigate the realities of growing a business.”

Kathryn Bernell at TEDx NorthwesternU
Why True Wealth Ventures? “In 2018, only 2.2% of all venture capital invested in the U.S. went into business founded by women. Sara and Kerry built their fund with a deep understanding of why this is a problematic pattern, and have a clear understanding of the value to be gained by reversing this trend. Sara and Kerry not only appreciate me as a female-founder, but have also extended a deeper understanding around my goals in scaling a ‘better business’ that stands for something with impacts beyond just the bottom line. I spent almost four years at Clif Bar working on a multiple bottom-line business, and after seeing how the business thrived not despite, but because of the mission, knew that this was the model I wanted to replicate in creating reHarvest. In seeking out capital, I knew that it would be critical to find investors that recognized the importance of growing the business with a clear mission in hand. True Wealth Ventures demonstrated a clear understanding of this right from the get-go and we are thrilled to be partnering with them.”
Have you seen women general partners (GPs) bringing a different perspective to the table? Why is a woman’s perspective valuable to this market? “In knowing that women drive 70-80% of all consumer purchases, it’s critical to build a female perspective into every level of a consumer-facing business, particularly within the GP and investment team. reHarvest’s ability to deliver on customer demands and higher strategic objectives will only be aided by the diversity of thought and opinions being infused into our decision making and advisory structure. Creating businesses void of female involvement is no longer a viable option. Period.”
Words of Wisdom: “Find something you are willing to fall down for and muster the courage to pick yourself up again and again and again. That’s what building is all about. The headlines and products on shelf are what people see, but the reality is all about your ability to persevere day in and day out as you relentlessly hustle to create something you know needs to exist in the world.”