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March 12, 2016 – SXSW: “Entrepreneuring Women in Austin”
Austin, Texas
Mar. 12th 2016
“Nationwide, only 3% of VC-backed companies have a woman CEO. More surprising yet, only 15% have a single woman on the executive team. Yet when women are on the team, studies show companies have substantially higher financial performance. Pitchbook data shows that Austin suffers the same 3% funding levels for women-led companies. But there are positive trends: Austin Texas is ranked #2 for growth in women-owned businesses, and Austin is ranked #6 in women-led businesses seeking equity crowdfunding. Women entrepreneurs will share their successes & challenges, and discuss what’s different about Austin and what other cities can learn from what’s happening here.”
True Wealth Ventures General Partner Kerry Rupp moderates a panel for South by Southwest 2016 on women entrepreneurs in Austin with fellow #FemaleFounders Amy Millman Co-Founder & President of Springboard Enterprises, Jan Ryan founder of Women@Austin and Laura Bosworth founder and CEO of Tevido Biodevices.

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